life in abundance

I was searching for a little HTML help this week when I stumbled on this interview with Justin Ahrens. I rarely read an entire article online, but his first words caught my attention:
stated: Thanks for making the time for us today.
Justin Ahrens: You bet. The pleasure’s mine. Thank you for asking me.
Politeness is never overrated! The interview outlines how Justin went from a successful graphic designer and business owner to the key designer and marketer for Life in Abundance, an organization bringing humanitarian aid and the gospel to impoverished communities. He is still a successful graphic designer and business owner, but he felt the need to use his blessings to bless others.

As a young designer who wants to use my time wisely, I'm encouraged by this example. I'm having a hard time balancing my time between work that is practical vs. time spent on things with eternal value. I know they can and should be intertwined, but it seems easier done than said sometimes!

I won't spoil the article because I thought it was worth reading (albeit long!), especial for other creatives wresting with this questions. I especially appreciate the focus on both international and local projects.

For some practical help, Justin wrote and designed a book about fine tuning your career and life. I ordered Life Kerning yesterday and am looking forward to perusing some practical ideas. I'll let you know what I think!

images via stated magazine \ and life kerning

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