currently loving ...

1. Peanut butter and banana oatmeal

2. This hot air balloon print (hot-air balloon obsession still going strong)

3. This Oreo-stuffed chocolate chip cookie from my co-worker.
Mine is about 6 x the size! (thank you Mel!)
image and recipe via Amandeleine

4. email subject line: "Are you looking for something from our Indie & Art House department?" HOW did they know!?!

5. This illustration by FreyeArt

5. This quintessential college student I spotted carrying AND drinking out of a JUG of Arizona Tea. Sweatpants included.

image via my cell phone

6. Sarah's sweet Sometimes Valentines post which puts Valentines Day into proper perspective.


  1. Hey! Thanks for your "hello"!
    I love your blog - so fun - you are so talented! (put you in my reader, so I'll be here on and off.) The valentines you, sisters, and your mom made are so clever and pretty... love them.
    Tell your fam "hi", we think of you all w/ such fond memories. ;)

  2. and I love you! :D Aww that was nice and cheezy huh! <3


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