currently snacking on: box brownies

Shall we get a better look at those brownies? Yes, why don't we do that.

First my sister drizzled extra chocolate on them. Then she undercooked them. They were perfect. They were better than perfect for breakfast.

photos by sarah fritzler via instagram

newborn deer

The reason I have decided to get a baby deer instead of a dog ... wobbly legs, tiny tongue and fuzzy spots.

video by steve fagan \ departure bay beach

currently workin on: r4bf map

Just a little peak at some of the design work going on over at Running 4 Bare Feet. I'm excited for the full project to come together and for the running to begin! This is the 502 mile route Stephanie will be running across the Philippines. I feel like I've learned more about the Philippines in the past month than I ever did in geography or history class!

design copyright sarah fritzler for running 4 bare feet

love notes

Just enjoying Oana Befort's angular hart love notes. Full DIY over here.

images by oana befort

friday foliage: cozy plant

I'm afraid I haven't been going outside much lately (that whole winter thing) so here is a cozy indoor bit of foliage.

Happy weekend!

photos by sarah fritzler

link love

A few links to love ...

Meet my colorful friend.
Why not paint your own pillows? These gals are doing it here & here.
Free valentines vintage illustrations.
Mom, can we keep him?
Can you imagine sitting on this art?
I laughed hard at this historical moment.

photo by sarah fritzler

the next big thing: path

I just discovered this new app, Path, via Blogstar's 38 Things I Learnt At ATL Summit 2012 (great list!). I love the idea of Path (minus the stalkerness of it). My first thought was for dad's who go to work and miss out on 9 hours of their kid's childhood 5 days out of the week.

I work with a man who exchanges phone calls with his wife upwards of 3 times a day. She is constantly texting him pictures of the latest baby face, pillow fort, or the aspiring drummer in their son. He's not in the least embarrassed to have a conversation with his 4 year old about potty training or to run over and share the hilarious picture of his daughter eating lunch. I love this and have bookmarked it in my mind as something I would value in a husband someday. But back to the point, Path looks like the practical solution to this and their commercial just so happens to showcase it!

So what makes this different from the facebook news feed? Simply that you only connect with your family and closest friends. That way you aren't notified that it's raining at your second cousins' aunt's brother's dentist's house. Ahem. It makes all the difference!

Didi I mention it's free?

My only critique (outside of the stalkerness possibilities) is that their logo is almost exactly the same as Pinterests' ... better change that if you want to be the next big thing! I can't tell you apart on my dashboard! Oh yeah and my other critique is that my family doesn't have iphones. :(

painted antlers

This morning I'm admiring Cassandra Smith's painted antlers and thinking of the pile of antlers we have collecting dust in the basement. Hmm ...

photos via cassandra smith

peanut butter love

Happy National Peanut Butter Day! My your day be filled with peanutbutterygoodness.

Above is the best cake I've ever made, albeit the ugliest one. And by made I mean mixed from a box of Ghirardelli chocolate cake mix. The peanut butter cream cheese frosting is the KEY. This stuff is to die for and super easy to make. Please test my word against yours and make it today.

Peanut butter cream cheese frosting recipe found on Smitten Kitchen (along with pictures of a lovely cake!).

And why not a special shout-out to Courtney and Deborah, my peanut-butter-loving partners in crime. :)

photo by sarah fritzler

happy birthday b

Today is my dear friend, Bethany's, birthday. We met in high school, but haven't lived close since then so the past 9 years have been one visit and adventure after another. Like all good friends, we plan to live next door to each other some day. :)

Wish I could be there to celebrate with you today, B. Happy 25th birthday!

pictures by sarah fritzler and sister

friday foliage: china leaves

A warm cup of coffee on a cool day in Virginia is hard to beat. I rarely enjoy coffee, but this morning was too idyllic to pass it up. :)

... I was joined shortly by an orange kitty.

pictures by sarah fritzler at The High Meadows Inn, Oct 2011

current project: schizophrenia

This is my latest design project. For me, schizophrenia is one of the most challenging subjects to design. There is such a small circle of tactful/clinical/appropriate ideas. This title was especially challenging because "unraveling" seems to imply negativity. I chose an abstract approach to solve this dilemma. Medical design never ceases to throw new challenges at me!

design by sarah fritzler

pet fox

Over the weekend I heard that some people have domesticated foxes as pets. I would love a pet fox! Why oh why were cats chosen instead of foxes?

image via tumblr

friday foliage: the everglades

I was just skimming through my photos for some "Friday Foliage," but flowers have been scarce in January. Instead, I found pictures from my visit to the everglades last October. They seem to fit with the gray weather we are having.

The everglades are one of the most amazing places I've ever been and even more so because I was expecting a bug infested swamp. That's what it is, but also so much more! It is home to the most beautiful birds and incredible foliage.

My friend and I took an hour long air boat ride (conducted by an enthusiastic, Cajun tour guide — he was fantastic). We learned about plants with 50 foot roots, birds that have to lay out in the sun to dry, saw an alligator nest and were surprised to learn that we were on the deepest river in the world. And of course, there were gators.

At a Family Christmas Dinner I was asked what my favorite part of 2011 was. While it may not be my absolute favorite, the first thing that came to my mind was holding this little fella (he was so small even though he was 3 years old!).

I mean, look at that smile.

photos by sarah fritzler

do tell

My co-workers are laughing at my affinity to spray paint everything gold. Humph. :)

They suggested that I ask what YOU would spray paint gold and I think it's a pretty good question. Let me just say it one more time, gold makes everything better. I would know. ;)

So far we have a gold whisk and a gold cat. Not sure if that was a cat figurine or a real one ...

[ more gold: woodland creatures, sticks, wreath, deer ]

winter flowers

Working in a flower shop for 3 years will undoubtedly spark a love of flowers in you. I miss slipping into the cooler and just standing with the flowers. The smells. The "aliveness" of my job. And most of all, the ladies I used to work with who considered each flower their friend. They talked to the flower heads and made everyone drop everything to come see a sprig that looked like a helicopter or a poppy that was smiling ... it was smiling they said! If I was a flower I would want to live in that flower shop. Robin and Linda never threw a flower away. They simply saved it for an extra special spot and would lovingly "tuck" the little head into an important bouquet just to make it feel special. You think I'm exaggerating, don't you? My flower shop ladies had a complete hold on reality, I promise, but they also loved what they did and made it extra special for my sister and I. We couldn't have asked for a better first job! Plus our aprons had ruffles and we ate m&m cookies from the pizza joint next door every day. :)

Amy Merrick is undoubtedly my favorite floral stylist. Her blog is lovely and her website is chock-full of amazing flowers! Although it's winter, I hope you smell the flowers today.

photos by amy merrick of an apple a day

please pass the gold

I thought I would share a few more snaps from my gold woodland creature photo-shoot (or something like that). They just came out too pretty not to have a photo-shoot! Enjoy my little woodland jungle. :)

[ more gold: sticks, wreath, deer ]

The behind the scenes is really the funniest part. Yes, it's true, they are just a bunch of spray painted plastic animals stuck in the snow in my front yard. Amazing what a camera can do, isn't it?


photos by sarah fritzler

the joy of books

[Thanks for visiting Design Mom readers! I hope you'll stick around for a while. I'll do my best to make you feel at home!]

This really does bring me joy (the book kind).

p.s. Did you spot the Moomin?

custom rubber stamp

Do you know how easy it is to have a costume stamp made? I don't know why, but I always thought that custom stamps were extra special, expensive and hard to create. Wrong! After reading this post by Whit & Whistle (one of my new favorite blogs), I decided to give it a whirl. I really didn't think it would turn out.

Not only did it turn out, it appeared in my mailbox only a few days later. How do they do that? This little geometric design was a doodle I created while watching a movie with my sister one night. I added her name and address and ... viola! A self-inking addressed/book stamp.

I'm excited to try more custom stamps. Apparently you can turn a photograph into a stamp? Really? I wouldn't believe it before, but now I just might try it out.

photos by sarah fritzler
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